Improve Your Swordsmanship


As a minister who serves churches around the world, pastors brought to my attention that…

  • Todays Christians are not stepping up to lead ministries anywhere near the rate of need.
  • Pastors are hard pressed to find qualified people who will serve the Lord and local church in fundamental ministries we have come to expect from a church.

There are plenty of good people sitting on the pews but they’re unskilled in word and hearing God! They may pay their tithes and attend church regularly but they are still babes in the Lord.

The conditions identified prompted the author to ask the question, “What is the difference between a baby Christian and a mature one?”

The quick answer is, “Their menu and eating habits!” Babies eat milk and someone needs to feed them. Mature believers eat meat and they feed themselves. The most direct solution to the problem at hand is to change the menu and teach believers to feed themselves. That’s the purpose of this book. Now there is practical assistance in taking responsibility for your spiritual eating habits and for your maturity.

It is biblical for pastors to feed their sheep. It is also biblical to “Study to show [yourself] approved unto God, a workman need not be ashamed” (2 Tim. 2:15). Once you learn to feed yourself, the discoveries you make become meat that never tasted so good. From that moment foreword, your growth will increase exponentially. You may soon be called by God to serve with confidence gained from His Word.

Improve Your Swordsmanship will train you in ten techniques to study your Bible. Each one can be learned in an evening. You will learn for example:

  1. How to Acknowledge the Teacher Within.
  2. Ask Interpretive Questions the Text Can Answer.
  3. Write a Free Paraphrase From a Selected Passage.
  4. Create a Brief Analytical Outline.
  5. Learn How to Use The Law of First Mention.

This beautiful spiral bound book is designed to lay open so you can easily and quickly work the assignments. The book is small and not intended to become a laborious study process. You owe it to yourself, your family and the Lord to own this power training tool today.
